Wednesday 3 January 2007

Specialist Schools & Academies Trust seminars

SSAT at BETT: Leading School Led System Transformation

David Crossley, SSAT

This session will explore the impact and potential of the Raising Achievement Transforming Learning and Leading Edge Partnerships in school-led transformation.

Tony Parkin, SSAT

Building schools for the future, harnessing the technology, extended schools and community learning hubs, personalising learning - schools are transforming and turning visionary phrases into new realities - though we need reality checks!

SSAT at BETT: Working Together - Collaborative Technologies Raising Achievement in UK Schools

Dave Moran and Paul Hynes, SSAT

The session will showcase ideas for using cheap (and often free) technology to aid collaboration and impact on students learning. The theory and pedagogy of the new collaborative opportunities will be backed by real examples happening in schools now.

Mike Cameron, SSAT
Taking the example of one (real) school, this seminar will look at the journey taken to get to where it is with their Virtual Learning Environment. With input from a senior leader at the school, the focus will be on the pedagogical, management and workforce changes that have made the venture a success.

SSAT at BETT: Making Personalised Learning an Everyday Reality

Guy Shearer, SSAT

Case studies from across the Specialist Schools and Academies network, signposting successful strategies that are helping to make personalised learning a practical reality.
In terms of your own continuing professional development, what would you hope to gain by attendance at any of the above sessions? Could more be done to showcase the Specialist Schools and Academies at BETT? Post your views and help shape future BETT seminar programmes.

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