Wednesday 3 January 2007

School improvement seminars

Becta Keynote: Nearly isn’t good enough!

Stephen Crowne, Chief Executive, Becta

Stephen will outline the challenge facing our leaders to keep raising standards and performance and to do the best for every learner. This will cover the morale and business case to increase the number of schools and colleges which make effective use of technology from the current level of 15% to at least 80% by 2011. He will outline what needs to be done and Becta’s role in making it happen.

Eccles College, Salford (Becta Beacon Award winner for e-enabling organisational development )

Eccles College describe themselves as ‘early adopters' of new technology, and have designed and developed a web based system for improving the handling of self assessment reporting and action planning for teaching and support staff which has been replicated across 18 other organisations.
Do you believe that attendance at either session will clarify some of the issues surrounding the school improvement agenda? Should the BETT seminar programme devote more to this area? Post your thoughts to the rest of the BETT community.

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