Saturday 30 December 2006

Building Schools for the Future seminars

Aiming for Transformation - the Role of ICT in Building Schools for the Future

Steve Moss, Partnerships for Schools

The Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme will rebuild or remodel all secondary schools in England. This session will give delegates a clear understanding of the ways in which ICT can help to bring about a transformation of secondary education and how the capital available in the BSF programme can be used to achieve this.

SSAT at BETT: New School - Old School?

Tony Parkin, SSAT

Building schools for the future, harnessing the technology, extended schools and community learning hubs, personalising learning - schools are transforming and turning visionary phrases into new realities - though we need reality checks!
What ideas or practice would you hope to take away from attendance at either of these sessions? Is the subject matter, Building Schools for the Future adequately covered at BETT?Post your thoughts and help shape the discussions about the future of the BETT seminar programme.

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